ASSESSING IN ACTION delivers an integrated suite of tools that prepare, leaders, teams, and organizations for today’s challenges.
Users of our profiles, students of our curricula, and participants in our workshops gain the master leadership ability for the new economy: the ability to PAUSE . . . ASSESS, ADAPT, and then ACT deliberately.
Our effectiveness and transformation suites of tools are supported by high impact curriculum materials that embed new language in your team. This new language will support your team in sustaining a real-time dialogue with each other about the team’s behavioral tendencies and biases.
You’ll find that your team will become more independent, relying far less on outside intervention to resolve breakdowns. Your team members will get better about talking amongst themselves about how they can function better. As a result your team will move more easily through misunderstandings and breakdowns that once hobbled it. Performance will skyrocket.
Our tools and curriculum materials can be deployed individually or as part of an extended leadership development program for your team. They are supported by a world-class community of professionals who have been deploying them successfully in organizations of all sizes and in a wide range of industries across the globe.
We invite you to start the journey towards leading yourself and your team in a whole new way that will give you a profound advantage over the competition.
Team Dynamics Mastery Certification Program
Our flagship Team Dynamics Certification Program includes an enterprise train-the-trainer model that teaches the Team Dynamics Mastery methodology to internal Organizational Design/Change Experts and HR Consultants, who in turn teach the tools to senior level managers and their teams. It also includes profiling tools and materials designed to make application more effective.
Team Dynamics Mastery is a powerful set of tools for observing, describing, and analyzing the patterns of team and individual behavior that take place in face-to-face and virtual communications and decision making.
Because Team Dynamics Mastery provides links to individuals’ profiles with observable behavior, it provides an actionable perspective on how to improve communication and decision making outcomes in team settings.
Team Dynamics Mastery, using the Team Dynamics Profile (self version or multi-rater feedback version) and High Stakes Profile, start with a description of an individual’s static profile and then provides insight about how consultants and team members can notice behavior in real time communication and make choices to improve the dynamics.
Team Dynamics Mastery Certification Program
Our flagship Team Dynamics Certification Program includes an enterprise train-the-trainer model that teaches the Team Dynamics Mastery methodology to internal Organizational Design/Change Experts and HR Consultants, who in turn teach the tools to senior level managers and their teams. It also includes profiling tools and materials designed to make application more effective.
Team Dynamics Mastery is a powerful set of tools for observing, describing, and analyzing the patterns of team and individual behavior that take place in face-to-face and virtual communications and decision making.
Because Team Dynamics Mastery provides links to individuals’ profiles with observable behavior, it provides an actionable perspective on how to improve communication and decision making outcomes in team settings.
Team Dynamics Mastery, using the Team Dynamics Profile (self version or multi-rater feedback version) and High Stakes Profile, start with a description of an individual’s static profile and then provides insight about how consultants and team members can notice behavior in real time communication and make choices to improve the dynamics.

Change Leadership Programs
In our twenty years of supporting leaders with change, we have concluded that the biggest reason change efforts fail is because the organization lacks a critical mass of change-savvy leaders. Populated by leaders skilled at driving productivity, delivering on plans, and producing predictable short-term results, organizations lack enough leaders who are skilled at developing emergent strategy, working with people to overcome their discomfort and immunity to change, and coaching and developing people to adapt more quickly.
Over a span of time, we partner with organizational leadership to build change leadership capability. We leverage our Leading Individuals, Leading Teams, and Leading Change tools and curriculum to facilitate going deeper into team dynamics, individual and team behavior in high stakes situations, and coaching.
We introduce ideas and through intensive skills-practice, and we build the change leadership capability needed to shift values, mindsets, and ultimately behavior. We convene leaders from across the organization, whether top 100, high potential, or emerging leader, and help them to expand their change leadership repertoire.
We emphasize the importance of action planning and implementation between sessions in the field because the real learning and breakthroughs happen on the job. Through repeated segments of action and reflection, we work with leaders to transform their habits and competing commitments until the behavior becomes routine and habitual.
High Potential Leader Programs
CEOs and HR heads increasingly see the need to dramatically raise the capabilities of current and future leaders to face unprecedented change and complexity. They want a strong set of players on the top team – and a strong bench that is ready to step up as the organization grows and promotes its leaders. And they want to unlock the potential of leaders in mission-critical roles to perform at their very best. Yet most leadership development programs, at best, result in modest change in behavior and only incremental performance improvement.
We help senior HR executives and organizational learning executives develop the capabilities of leaders at all levels – particularly their ability to lead across cultures, work collaboratively with other functional leaders, and get better at leading organizational change.
We specialize in helping organizations link leadership development programs to business goals and outcomes, and are experts in personal transformation. We have experience designing industry-leading development programs and experiences for some of the world’s largest organizations, as well as smaller organizations.
We encourage our clients to “put their learning and development budget to work”. Our approach aligns development activity with real business activity, whether it be strategy execution or business transformation. Not only does this increase your return on investment but this also dramatically increases the effectiveness of both business and development activity.
We are particularly passionate about developing the high potential talent who will someday lead your business. We advise our clients to put their best people to work on their most pressing business issues – and accelerate their development at the same time. Our approach to high potential leadership development focuses on the most threatening disruptive changes facing the organization – and integrates development with addressing these pivotal challenges.
We also bring to our clients proprietary content that helps them to make sense of the complexity they are facing in their business environment and as leaders. We believe there is a fine line between simplistic and complicated approaches to leadership and change. We help leaders to engage with the necessary complexity when facing change and we challenge them to formulate the clearest thinking and decisive action that will lead to a winning and adaptive outcome. While we too are allergic to jargon, we do introduce well considered concepts and ideas as a vehicle to help leaders see complexity and better navigate change.
Our facilitators and coaches are experienced and highly skilled at creating engaging, relevant, and transformative leadership experiences. Most of our work is sequenced over multiple workshops with fieldwork between sessions to ensure that real change and progress happens. We work with you to design these programs that often include senior leadership forums, networking events, simulations, and fun activities as well as real work on business challenges, transformative learning and skills practice.
High Potential Leader Programs
CEOs and HR heads increasingly see the need to dramatically raise the capabilities of current and future leaders to face unprecedented change and complexity. They want a strong set of players on the top team – and a strong bench that is ready to step up as the organization grows and promotes its leaders. And they want to unlock the potential of leaders in mission-critical roles to perform at their very best. Yet most leadership development programs, at best, result in modest change in behavior and only incremental performance improvement.
We help senior HR executives and organizational learning executives develop the capabilities of leaders at all levels – particularly their ability to lead across cultures, work collaboratively with other functional leaders, and get better at leading organizational change.
We specialize in helping organizations link leadership development programs to business goals and outcomes, and are experts in personal transformation. We have experience designing industry-leading development programs and experiences for some of the world’s largest organizations, as well as smaller organizations.
We encourage our clients to “put their learning and development budget to work”. Our approach aligns development activity with real business activity, whether it be strategy execution or business transformation. Not only does this increase your return on investment but this also dramatically increases the effectiveness of both business and development activity.
We are particularly passionate about developing the high potential talent who will someday lead your business. We advise our clients to put their best people to work on their most pressing business issues – and accelerate their development at the same time. Our approach to high potential leadership development focuses on the most threatening disruptive changes facing the organization – and integrates development with addressing these pivotal challenges.
We also bring to our clients proprietary content that helps them to make sense of the complexity they are facing in their business environment and as leaders. We believe there is a fine line between simplistic and complicated approaches to leadership and change. We help leaders to engage with the necessary complexity when facing change and we challenge them to formulate the clearest thinking and decisive action that will lead to a winning and adaptive outcome. While we too are allergic to jargon, we do introduce well considered concepts and ideas as a vehicle to help leaders see complexity and better navigate change.
Our facilitators and coaches are experienced and highly skilled at creating engaging, relevant, and transformative leadership experiences. Most of our work is sequenced over multiple workshops with fieldwork between sessions to ensure that real change and progress happens. We work with you to design these programs that often include senior leadership forums, networking events, simulations, and fun activities as well as real work on business challenges, transformative learning and skills practice.
Custom Workshops
We design and deliver single day or multi-day leader and team development workshops. These custom workshops integrate diagnostic work, tailored design to the needs of a particular team or cohort, and application of one or more of our core training modules (e.g., Leading Self, Leading Individuals, Leading Teams, Leading Change), and administration of one or more of our Effectiveness or Transformation Suites of Tools.
Coaching Engagements
Helping leaders go from “good” to “great” has a substantial impact on business performance. To build leadership bench strength and successfully navigate change, companies must accelerate their leaders’ readiness.
Unfortunately, line managers are often stretched thinly with existing responsibilities. Moreover, few line managers have distinctive skills and experience in coaching others on how to achieve breakthrough performance. Given the constraints and challenges of conducting coaching internally, many firms look to outside for help. But in a world with almost as many coaches as leaders, how does one distinguish between the average, the good, and the great coaches?
What sets our coaches apart from other coaches is our combination of behavioral coaching skills, understanding of the leadership behaviors required to win, and change leadership savvy. Many firms offer behavioral coaching support but, while this important, we consider behavioral coaching to be simply “table stakes.” To justify the investment of a leader’s scarce and precious time, coaching needs to deliver much more.
Our coaches have a keen understanding of what it takes to scale as a leader in a broad range of situations from high-potentials adapting to stretch/developmental roles in large companies to leaders of startups taking on increased responsibility as their business evolves to in-place executives facing a complex change agenda or looking to optimize their existing management skill set.
Our coaches are experts at creating powerful learning experiences for those we coach. We are highly skilled at asking the pressure-point questions that help leaders confront the paradoxes and false dichotomies that often inhibit break-through leadership performance and innovation. We are teachers of change leadership and organizational agility. We help leaders think differently about dilemmas they face, whether addressing resistance to change, navigating complex political dynamics, or adapting previously-successful leadership behaviors to the needs of new roles.
We help line managers by providing challenging and supportive results-driven coaching and advisory services. Often, after we conduct in-depth leadership assessments, we help leaders develop strategies, tactics, and skills for high performance in their current role, while building a foundation for more senior roles. We work closely with line managers, HR business partners, and mentors about how best to help develop each leader.